Does My Teenager Need Orthodontics?

Many parents wonder whether or not their teenager needs orthodontics. It’s an additional cost and time-commitment – so what are the long term benefits? Only a trained orthodontist can tell you if your teenager would benefit from going through orthodontic therapy with Invisalign or braces. A specialist can see what problems may arise in the…

Why I’m an Invisalign Orthodontist

Every orthodontist straightens teeth, but not every orthodontist can do it successfully with Invisalign. In school we’re taught how to straighten teeth with braces, and many orthodontists stick to this method when they go into practice. Not me. I’ve always believed in staying at the cutting edge of technological advances, and Invisalign is the biggest…

Keeping Your Teeth Straight After Invisalign or Braces

At Boschken Orthodontics, we don’t just believe in straightening your teeth – we believe in keeping your teeth straight for life! When most people think of orthodontics, they tend to only consider the time that they’re actively straightening their teeth with Invisalign or braces. Many patients don’t know that retention—that is, keeping your teeth straight…

Digital Scanning for Invisalign and Braces – No More Gloppy Impressions and Gagging!

Digital scanning for braces and Invisalign treatment is a huge advance in orthodontic technology, which makes it an important part of what we do here at Boschken Orthodontics. (I believe in staying up to date with the latest technological advances – and I often pioneer and assist in the development of new orthodontic technologies). One…

Is Invisalign Right for Your Teen?

Is Invisalign right for your teen? You’re definitely not the first parent to ask. Most parents wonder if Invisalign really is a viable option for their teenager’s orthodontic treatment. If your teen has been stressing about the prospect of traditional braces and begging you for Invisalign, there’s good news: In our practice, we have tons…