Dental Scanning
Dental Scanning captures the contours of tooth and gingival structures, producing an accurate digital orthodontic scan in just minutes. Unlike many other orthodontists who send patients to a 3rd party for scanning, Dr. Boschken does his scanning in-house.
Biolase ezlase®
ezlase® is an advanced laser technology developed by Biolase Technology, the leader in dental lasers for over 20 years. The ezlase® creates highly concentrated light energy to treat gum and other soft tissue in the mouth safely and comfortably.
Sports Mouthguards
More than 5 million teeth are knocked out in sporting activities each year. When worn properly, mouthguards decrease the risk of injury by 99%. Unlike store-bought mouthguards, which require you to keep your mouth clenched for maximum protection, custom mouthguards stay in place with no effort.
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep. Treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is provided to open airway passages and improve airflow to the lungs. Depending on the physician’s diagnosis, nighttime appliances or coordination for jaw advancement surgery may be provided.